For now, I'd like to show you all my fall mantle. I LOVE it you guys. I mean, like, love it. Is anyone else really into gold right now? Because I am. Like hardcore. So that's what I did for my mantle. You ready for it? Reaaaaddyyy?
There she is! All gold and beautiful. By the way, is anyone else using the amazing Rhonna Designs App for your iphone (droid version coming soon)? Because I do.... And it's pretty safe to say I'm addicted to it. Hardcore. I'm pretty sure I will be using the Rhonna app, among others, to edit all my photos from now on. It's so easy and super fun, and when I upload my photos to the computer, they're already edited! I don't have to go back and do it, which is a life saver.
As you can see, I added a couple of crows for Halloween. It's just enough. And when November rolls around, down the crows will come. For this mantle, all I did was spray paint some frames that I already had from Goodwill, add my brown coffee filter wreath that I also used in last years fall mantle, and spray paint some pumpkins gold, and white with gold polka dots. Done! Super easy, and I didn't have to buy much, just the pumpkins and one can of spray paint. I also had the crows from last year.
And here is my chalkboard! I found a large corkboard at Goodwill one day, and I bought it specifically to make this chalkboard. I've always really loved all the fun chalkboard art that you see all over Pinterest, but I never thought that I could do it because I am NOT artistically inclined AT ALL. I mean, not at all. But one day I sat down, determined to put something cute on the board. So I got some chalk, and had a picture of the chalk art I wanted to do next to me, and got to work.
As you can see, I'm not amazing at it. But it turned out cute enough to keep up there. I was just so excited that it came out legible! And I think with more practice it will come easier. So now, I actually have a functional chalk board! And right below it, three more little pumpkins spray painted gold. I told you.... Obsessed.
So there you have it! My fall decor, with some Halloween touches for this month. Hope you liked it!
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